Join us for Thanksgiving!

Join us for Thanksgiving!

God is good. At Kingdom Workshop we've been hard at work this year learning, creating and launching new ventures in AI, blockchain, media, and alternative medicine that build God's kingdom– here! now! Eat your bugs Klaus Schwab cuz today we FEAST! 🤣 

In the spirit of Thanksgiving come stay with us for FREE – we have the luxury mansion and food– you bring the education and entertainment! We are a learning (and doing!) community so come prepared to give a 5-10 minute talk related to one of our themes (see below) – all conversations are under Chatham house rule.

Come for all or part of the weekend - outside of scheduled times we will be riding around, playing with animals, shooting guns, flying drones, hot tubbing, drinking whiskey, etc.


** Address provided after registration - we're outside Austin.

Wednesday, Nov 22nd

6pm - Come early to help cook, say hi to the chickens, and grab the best room. 😏

Thursday, Nov 23rd

9am - Breakfast

10am-12pm - Why is Church so Cringe? We live in a crazy world where the church has become boring and irrelevant. How can the church renew and reform? How do we build resilient communities? Why are boomers so clueless? 🤣

4:20pm - FEAST Y'ALL

7pm-9pm - We're All Incels Now: Love in a Porn Freak World. Have you taken the red-pill, black-pill or Christ-pill? From virginity to polygamy, we're gonna be looking at love and sex in our modern cyberpunk dystopia.

10pm - Screening of Terrence Malick's A Hidden Life (2019)

Friday, Nov 24th

9am - Breakfast

10am-12pm - AI & Machine Learning: What does this all mean? What have you been working on recently? (We will have Stable Diffusion and uncensored ChatGPT models setup for you to play with)

2pm-4pm - Decentralize Now
Using Blockchain & Crypto to subvert the dominant paradigm.

4:20pm - FEAST Y'ALL

7pm-9pm - Old Stories, New Technology: From video games to virtual reality, augmented reality to immersive storytelling. How do we tell better stories?

10pm - Screening of David Fincher and Michael Douglas' The Game (1997)

Saturday, Nov 25th

9am - Breakfast

10am-12pm - Build Stuff: Share interesting projects and ideas in 3D Printing, Arduino, and Raspberry PI.

2pm-4pm - Getting Off-Grid: Share your ideas on Homesteading, Local Food Production, Personal Security & Defense, and Cottage Businesses.

4:20pm - FEAST Y'ALL

6pm-8pm - Big Pharma Hates You: Alternative medicine, peptides, and secret cancer treatments- spill the tea on how to live better.

10pm - Screening of Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club (1999)

Sunday, Nov 26th