Join us for the Spring Fling! Saturday 3/23

God is goooooooooood. That's why we're grinding for the King baybee. 🔥🔥🔥😀😀😀. Let's get thankful up in here y'all!
Check the invite for details and let us know if you're coming. Here's a few of the things we've been working this Winter that we will be celebrating:
Bobby and Flippy moved all four buildings (and ChickenMansion) from city water to well water. Check out the quality improvement... major upgrade!
Our friends Tanner and Ryan broke ground in December on our new workshop and have done a phenomenal job throwing it up in no time. Join us at the fling to see their finished product... it's a stunner!
Andre has been putting in overtime building out a TEN 4090 GPU AI supercluster and a Dell PowerEdge for the Houston Datacenter. Servers are fun! Niccce.
We're putting that GPU cluster to good work! Juan Pablo has been putting the final touches on the AI engine for the new Might be a little insane launching a media publication right now but maybe He Do It Like That?? Let's gooooooooo.
Last but not least, Auggie joined us in Janurary and Isabella is sooo excited to have a young energetic new friend.
Stay woke to the spirit friends.